Doctor of Chiropractic | BSc (Hons) MSc (Chiro) DC LRCC
Emily Mason established a thriving chiropractic practice in Fulham in 2006, and in 2016 she opened her second practice in Four Marks, Hampshire.
Emily treats all ages from newborn babies to the elderly and from pregnant women to professional athletes. Her chiropractic care programs include health and lifestyle management, nutritional advice and exercise rehabilitation. Emily is dedicated to providing outstanding chiropractic care and wellness opportunities to all who seek to maximise their true health potential and maintain their long term wellness.
She graduated from The Anglo European College of Chiropractic with a BSc Honours and Masters in Chiropractic in 2002 and gained her Doctor of chiropractic DC in 2003. In 2011 to 2013 she set up a successful satellite clinic in London treating city executives. Emily works alongside and within large corporations providing chiropractic to employees, keeping staff at work and in great health, promoting the “back to work campaign.”
She has extensive training in nutrition, fitness and exercise rehabilitation and maintains an active interest in the latest research and trends in all areas of health, sport and fitness.
In 2007 she gained the advanced qualification in Sacro-Occipital Technique requiring three years post graduate study and 100 hours of seminar attendance.
Emily’s passion is to promote and guide every individual towards positive health and wellbeing naturally, using a wealth of techniques including Sacro-Occipital Technique, Craniopathy (cranial technique), Diversified, Gonstead, Toggle recoil, Activator, Kinnective, Trigenics, Active Release Technique (ART), Applied Kinesiology, BEST/Access, functional nutrition and exercise rehabilitation therapy.
Emily has traveled throughout the UK and Europe teaching chiropractors and students chiropractic care and techniques for pregnancy and paediatrics.
She has written several articles for various publications including The National Childbirth Trust, Families Magazine and Little Style Book. She was the “Ask the expert” for SportSister magazine, and ergonomics adviser for ‘People Moving and Handling’ DVD for Health and Safety Group.
Emily is:
A registrant of The General Chiropractic Council
A member of The British Chiropractic Association
A member of The European Chiropractic Association
A member of The International Chiropractic Paediatrics Association
Licentiate member of The Royal College of Chiropractors
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