The Spinal Answer

Chiropractic Treatment For Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries and Chiropractic

Manage and prevent sports injuries

A sports injury is immensely frustrating. To perform at your best, it is important to understand how the sport you play demands your body to work, and that you ensure your muscles are conditioned appropriately.

At The Spinal Answer: Family Chiropractic you can gain a complete understanding of your injury and the physical demands your activities place on your body. This approach enables a better understanding and awareness of your body, speeding up recovery, management and aids future injury prevention.

We can diagnose the cause of your injury and help you understand how your injury occurred, why it has happened and how we can help you recover and return to your sport! It is important to us that you have a clear understanding of your injury and the different ways that physical exercise affects the joints and muscles in your body.

Our treatment is not only hands-on but it will also be educational so you can manage and help prevent future injury.  After all we are passionate about enabling you to do the things you love and enjoy doing!

Biomechanical Assessment

An assessment of your strength, balance and flexibility determines any weaknesses and imbalances in your posture and various muscle groups that may be causing your injury.

We assess all your joints including your spine, pelvis, feet and cranium, as all the joints in the body have an effect on one another. This will accurately diagnose the correct treatment for you and inform us how to prevent the injury returning.

Understand Your Injury

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